Article By Jocelyn, 6,000+ mile thru-hiker and Atom Packs ambassador.

Let's be realistic here: traveling for a living is not all it's cracked up to be. Unless you have a fancy remote job, a Mercedes Sprinter Van build-out, and 1-5 side hustles, you probably aren't living the picture-perfect Instagram life we find ourselves envying.

The algorithm constantly teases us with these backpacking, traveling rockstars who seem to have figured something out that we, the "normal" person, haven't. However, behind these seemingly flawless lifestyles, some truths must be exposed.

Travel Adventure

How do we, the "everyday person," afford to travel year after year?

Some might say it's as simple as giving up that $7 Starbucks coffee every day or living in your parents' basement so you can save. Not eating out or canceling your streaming services is beneficial, but it will not be the savior of our adventurous souls. While sacrificing small habits like our morning breakfast sandwich or late-night gin and tonic will help, it's safe to say that we know that isn't the sole reason we don't find ourselves on an adventure year after year.

It's not about what we give up but the empowerment we gain from making these sacrifices for the adventure we crave. This empowerment fuels our journey and keeps us going, inspiring us to live a life of adventure.

Backpack Adventures

After living out of my backpack for four years and traveling thousands of miles, I want to share the secrets of my 'how-to dirtbag' life.

The most common excuses are "I don't have time" or "I can't leave my job." I hear the internal dialogue: "I haven't made time" or "I don't want to leave my job." We have grown accustomed to the societal pressures that tell us we cannot choose an alternative lifestyle, and through that, we let fear dictate our decisions about what we can or cannot do. This closes our minds off to the freedom of choice and isolates us into a singular path with zero alternatives.

The hard truth is that you can make time and leave your job. Easier said than done, right?

It's up to you to choose to prioritize and commit to adventure. No one can do that for you. Once you decide to prioritize adventure, the sacrifices that come with that start to fall into place. That kind of dedication can manifest in many different ways for people. This freedom of choice is your ticket to an adventure lifestyle, where you can shape your journey according to your desires and aspirations. But remember, it's your choice, adventure, and life. You are in control.

Sacrifices of Adventure


Through my experience, the sacrifices I have made have had many different layers. I have learned to trade the stability of home life for the instability of having a home base. I chose to be a work-o-holic for six months at jobs I don't always love for the 60-hour work weeks with minimal paid time off. I have embraced seasonal work rather than dedicating myself to a long-term career. I leave behind the thought of 'working my way up' and embrace mediocre responsibilities–all for the sake of adventure.

This is what I call the 'dirtbag life' - a life of constant struggle, prioritizing, committing, sacrificing, and compromising, paired with the strength to make a plan and follow through with it. The term 'dirtbag life' refers to a lifestyle that prioritizes adventure and freedom over traditional societal norms and comforts. It's about living with less, embracing uncertainty, and finding joy in the journey rather than the destination.

You are in charge of your life and are the only one holding yourself back from changing it.

Instead of making excuses for yourself, start making sacrifices. Once you embrace this freedom of choice, you can begin prioritizing adventure in a way that leads to a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Remember, it's your life, your choices, and your adventures.

So, stop living your life saying, "I wish I would have," and start living it with, "I can't believe I did."

Van Life Adventure
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